Showing Myself: entry 8


For a long while, college wasn’t on my radar. Just enjoy today right now as a kid. That was my motto. I don’t really need college for what I want to do. That was my thought. College degrees aren’t garenteeing that you’ll get a job. That was my logic.
I’m going to be honest, those are still things I think today. But I also see college in a different way. I want it for the education, not the degree. I want to go for the experience. I like learning. I like it a whole lot. So why should I halt my education because my artistic side doesn’t actually “need it”?
When asked I would say “sure I’m going to college” because I thought that was what everyone expects from a girl with a 4.0 GPA. But it didn’t feel like me.
I started taking this one college class and woah… It changed my perspective. I found out that college is a lot more fun than highschool if you play your cards right- that is, I mean, if you really want to be there. I found out that philosophy excites me and that I can major in just about anything. And that also excites me.
One more year of highschool after this year, then I’ll be on my way to a better chapter of my education.

Diligently writing for you, Writingdilegently, Angelina Rosa.

Showing Myself: Entry 6


I think about people as individuals not groups. We all have our own things and our own experiences to bring to the table. Your age shouldn’t decide how much you are a participant in deciding things for yourself and the rest of the world. Teenagers should vote because we are the ones who will have to deal with these rulers longer. We should make choices for ourselves within reason because we ARE people too. The ratings on movies are backwards because people have forgotten that the world isn’t rated pg. If we were taught what’s real from the beginning, we wouldn’t be so lost now.

Diligently writing for you, Writingdilegently, Angelina Rosa

Showing Myself: Entry 4


I’ve taken the time to appreciate my body
My own curves and curls and marks and scars
All the little things on me.
I’ve come to know that they don’t make me me.
What makes me me are the feelings inside my heart and the thoughts swimming in my brain.
I don’t care about the numbers on a scale.
I care about the smile on my face and the joy in my eyes.
I love what I have and how I will change.
And that path to acceptance….
It has been a battle at the least.

Writing diligently for you, Writingdilegently, Angelina Rosa



I dreamt of you last night
Except you weren’t you
And I wasn’t me
But it was so real
Yet so far off
So much love
But so much hate
Like your mind was far off
And I got what I wanted
But it wasn’t what I needed

Then I awoke
And remembered the lack of calls
The lack of care

I prefer the you I dreamt of last night

This girl


There was this girl
Who trotted with
Dead flowers in her hair
And dark skies over head
She smiled at rainstorms
And frowned at her reflection
And cried because of her classmates

This girl became spiteful
And her heart became cold

But then she met a friend
Her first in this world
And she smiled at a person
Instead of at her pain.

She pushed the darkness in her heart
And painted it on her nails
Drew it on her skin
Spelled it on some pages

And now
She lives in a hue of shades
Sometimes dark
But never quite dull.
She’s learning
And living
And feeling true feelings
She’s had love scapes
And heart breaks
And fights
And hugs
So many hugs

And you know what?
She wouldn’t take a single one back.
Not a single mistake.
Not a single dispute.
Because now she shines
Her own rainbow over head.

– Writingdilegently